Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Punch in the face

I can't remember how the quotation goes exactly, but it's something like: if people spoke to each other the way that advertising speaks to them, they'd punch each other in the face.

Well, I nearly punched this VW digital offering in the virtual face:

The concept is simple enough - helping people to get to grips with the VW's new features by inviting them to guide a hapless video character through his various driving predicaments and apply the relevant feature. 

Initially, I quite liked it. But they ran out of juice very quickly ...

I don't really need to be congratulated for selecting 'parking assist' when he's having trouble parking, or 'satnav' when he can't find where he's going. They're pretty bloody obvious.

And then ... AND THEN ... to be told at the end that I 'truly am as clever as a Volkswagen' made me want to poke whichever bastard copywriter who wrote this right in the middle of the eye.

I own a Volkswagen - admittedly an aged one that's growing mould on the passenger footwell and has developed a mysterious dent in the tailgate - but it put me right off the brand.

For a moment.

And then I remembered that it's only advertising and so felt immediately well again.

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