Thursday, November 13, 2008

Opting for the backwaters

I hate these sunglasses. 

They're bling, they're brash, and they scream the brand at you. In Essex, Estonia and beyond, they are beloved of people trying to prove that they're hip or wealthy (or both), and in some onlookers' eyes I suppose they must succeed. They're a shortcut to a desired success signal - I've made it, and just in case you don't believe me I'm going to shout about it.

Many of my clients are keen on getting their logo and brand livery up front in everything they do, say or create - just in case anyone misses them and their efforts 'go to waste'.

But this is, in my opinion, wrong-headed.

There's far more merit in being in the subtle backwaters. There's nothing more flattering than when someone compliments you on an item of clothing and asks where it's from. The quality shines through, and allows you and the brand to bask in the reflected glory of a good choice.

Put your brand paraphernalia to one side, focus on doing genuinely useful stuff, and your rewards will be that much greater.

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