Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In praise of a photo blog

Maybe it's because I like photography, maybe it's because I like talking tripe about marketing, or maybe it's because I'm a Londoner ... that I really like this piece of marketing from Samsung, thanks to it being discussed in the pub last night by Next-Door-Kate.

This site - www.thephotographicadventuresofnickturpin.com - is a collection of (ultimately) 28 photos, one per day, that street photographer Nick Turpin is taking with the Samsung Pixon camera phone. The twist is that, each day, visitors to the site can click on the bit of the photo that they'd like to be the subject of the following day's photo - and then Nick has to travel to the place in the world he reckons he'll be able to find that subject matter.

There are many reasons why I like this site, but here are my top 5:

- It stars the product itself, which is a pretty good demo;
- It's a neat idea that has a set time span and so should remain fresh;
- Nick seems genuinely interested in this project (it doesn't feel too staged);
- It taps into an emotional interest in an art form that will, in turn, genuinely appeal to the right kind of audience;
- It got Kate talking about it in the pub last night, and me blogging about it now.

To take this further, I know from my clever statistical machine that my blog gets around 20 hits a day. Sometimes even reaching the dizzy heights of 40. So there's a pretty good example of 'word of mouth' / 'word of mouse' / digital brand advocacy at work. In addition to the traffic on the site itself. And for free. 

OK, so you'd need to extrapolate these numbers to make any real difference, but it's not beyond the realms of imagination that this could be a talking point among other people. 

Nice one Samsung, and whichever agency did it. 


Kate said...

The other clever bit about the samsung bit is that every time a new photo is posted, you're emailed. You then have only a 2 hour window to vote on the next subject which also helps to keep it fresh and make you feel as though you're part of a real-life project. As soon as the results are in, you're emailed again. I also like the additional twitter info from the photographer. All in all, a sophisticated, interesting campaign. Quality of the photos also good for a phone cam.

Dr Abble said...

Great project. I think it's a really nifty idea.

Has anyone voted today? Something tells me it's been more boys than girls voting...

Kate said...

Dr Abble! Hello my dear fellow girl geek. Yes, I voted, and yes, I clicked on his... so childish but couldn't help it.

Dr Abble said...

Ooh, I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing...

I had rather hoped my clever pseudonym would keep my true identity and therefore my geekiness concealed. Dang.

Dr Abble said...

Alien? Well, we tried First Mate.