Saturday, November 22, 2008

Digital done beautifully

Trawling through Facebook this Saturday morning (ok, not the way I expected my life to pan out) I came across a band called Revere. The keyboard player is one Nick Hirst, with whom I briefly used to work. 

Their music is stunning - and the above video truly original and beautiful. 

They have massive following on MySpace, YouTube, Facebook and all the usual social networking sites. You can become fans, friends, comment on their work, link to iTunes and buy their singles, see photos, videos and reviews of their gigs ... in short, their digital presence is incredibly well thought out.

What makes it great? Well, I've spent the last hour discovering things about them in lots of different places, from lots of different points of view. I know now that they're pretty well respected by professional and amateur musos alike. I've got to know their backstory in a short space of time, I've noted the date of their next gig - and it's so far resulted in my buying their EPs and thoroughly enjoying them.

From zero to sales conversion in 60 minutes, to put it clinically.

And now I'm blogging about them - so technically I'm now an advocate, to use yet more nasty marketing terms. 

Nothing - apart from the cost of producing the music itself - would have cost them any money, I'm guessing. What they've done is reach out to people they know, make it easy for people to discover and link back to them, and - hey presto - with a good product, the network grows and facilitates its further growth.

And I have an enjoyable Saturday morning's exploration as a result. 

I know this is the sort of stuff we recommend to our clients on a regular basis, but most of them never bloody do it so it's a pleasure to see it working so well.

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