Friday, October 10, 2008

Waxing lyrical

Last night played host to a DraftFCB reunion at the Lamb and Flag in Covent Garden (beautiful olde worlde pub, although the Harvey's Best was off and the Adnams ... er ... questionable).

Spoke with Dom, copywriter and now doyen of the car waxing industry, having discovered the balls to set up 'Dodo Juice' - a funky independent enthusiasts' car care brand.

In his role as CEO, MD, FD, bottle-washer and chief marketer, he has to answer to no-one but his staff, and so pushing through marketing decisions is - by contrast to the job of most agencies - a piece of proverbial piss.

So it was with great ease that he called one of his new buffing mitts 'Mint Merkin'. No research needed because he's so familiar with his Max Power loving audiences that his work is also his hobby. Result? The name is an instant hit: well differentiated, buckets of attitude, and has garnered the eagle-eye interest of some larger, more established brands in the hot-rod polishing market.

Research is so often a waste of time. If it feels right, we should have the balls to JFDI more often. I've been in enough focus groups where my role demanded nothing more than the 'moderating of consensus'*. 

Which is utterly bloody pointless.

* OK Dargan, I'll credit you with that one...

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