Thursday, October 23, 2008

The things we actually remember

Steven, Nick (pictured left) and I went to a rather swanky steak restaurant last night. A far cry from the green velour banquettes of Aberdeen Angus fame, this place was opulently designed and the steaks themselves were drool-inducing. Even now.

But I'll remember it most for the HUGE PEPPER GRINDERS.

You couldn't nick one of these if you tried. And believe me we came up with some rather unsavoury liberation strategies.

It made me wonder if some marketing genius deliberately came up with the idea that, in a city that's increasingly resplendent with high-end looky-likey restaurants, this one needs an easy way of remembering it.

A single object. A single thought. A single trigger. A 'shall we go to that steak restaurant that has the fucking great pepper grinders again tonight, dear?' type idea.

Or maybe it was just chance. In which case I'm going to nick the thought (in the absence of the grinder itself) and use it as my own.

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