Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Kick off

I've finally succumbed to the temptations of blogdom. After months of working out what would ever motivate me to keep it up - and why anyone would bother reading it - I reached an epiphany. 

Possibly too grand a word to use in this case, but it arose from a question I asked myself in preparation for a meeting later today: what have I noticed today that's remained with me for a while - and for whatever reason?

So 'I noticed this' is born. 

It'd be rewarding to think that something grabs me occasionally - and if it grabs me then maybe it'll grab you. Doesn't matter why, and I'm not (always) going to pontificate on how.

But I need some rules. Keep it minimal. Keep it visual. Don't be a slave to it every day, but twice a day is also ok. Only post stuff that genuinely grabs my attention. Don't be another 'me too' commentator on advertising wank. Don't nick other ideas just to look cool.

So I'm just going to post stuff that I notice. 

Hope you like.

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