Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Power of Relevance

I have no idea who Dagens Industri are, and I don't speak whichever weird-assed language this is, but I love the timeliness of this ad.

Sadly, according to one of today's BBC postings, many 'fat cat' bankers may well keep their jobs, undeservedly, as the government moves to stop the financial infrastructure on which we all depend from going under.


Kate said...

I think one of the things that enrages me most about the government bailing out the banks, is that when I was a skint student and really needed some help from my bank, they flat-out turned me down, which led to years of debt etc. Now the feckers are in need themselves they are being propped up with MY MONEY wot I have paid in (hard earned) tax.

Kate said...

Oh god. Just read that back and I sound like a Daily Mail reader. Shoot me now...