Thursday, October 9, 2008

Restricted Joy

I discussed with my mother last weekend the topic of licensed opening hours. She opined that it was madness for drink to be available on trains first thing in the morning. I opined that if people wished to drink at that time then it was their choice, and why should anyone restrict them? 

Drink-fuelled train-rage continues, after all, to be rare.

But this website - Hotel626 - reminded me of the joy of being told: 'no, you can't have what you want right now. You'll have to wait'.

I still don't really know what's on the inside of this site, as Gabby-From-Creative only told me about it this morning, but I enjoyed what is probably an advertiser telling me that I can't do something.

I therefore wanted to do it. 

A refreshing change from the irksome 'why not do X Y or Z?' approach to marketing. 

I've got a thousand reasons why not, that's why.

So maybe mother does know best: restriction can be good for us.

1 comment:

Rob said...

the invitation=only model for googlemail was a nice example of this

thought they gave it up. so maybe it didn't work as well as they'd hoped